Who are you helping? by Stacey Coldren
Since Spring Jam is right around the corner, I would like to introduce you to one of the families that your support has helped!
Meet Nova!
This adorable little family recently has graduated from Family Promise HCR and is blooming in their own home. Before coming to Family Promise, Nova’s family was jumping from place to place, never knowing what the next day would bring. When the family was able to settle down and get their bearings, it was a sight to see.
Nova’s dad was able to work and not have to worry about dinner each night or where his family would sleep. Nova was able to get to daycare and her brother was able to get to school on time. They got to be kids again. They didn’t have to worry about things that kids shouldn’t ever have to worry about.
After a few months in Family Promise, this family was able to find a lovely little house close to a park and a creek! Now Nova and her family go to the park every chance they get, and they’ve found a new hobby: fishing!
Nova’s family is just one example of how your support helps our guests break down their barriers because they know without a doubt that they have food, clean clothing, a place to sleep, and support from Family Promise!
I Heard it through the Grapevine by Susan Ryder
Our first annual Spring Jam is May 21 and it’s gonna be so much fun! Stacey and I are ready to dance the afternoon away, after we take care of our Family Promise duties, of course.
We’ve sent event emails out to all types of lists, posted on social media, and scheduled interviews with Good Day Pa and the Insight with Sylvia Maus podcast…all really great and important pieces of the “gettin’ the word out” puzzle.
Another vital part of that puzzle is you! You can share it with your network of friends, coworkers, and family; then another person shares it with their network, and before you know it, the information goes from a ripple to a Tsumani. Okay, I took it a bit far, there but I think you get my meaning.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Not only does this get the word out about our event, but it also offers people an opportunity to learn about Family Promise HCR.