Our UP Programs were developed to address a few of the many barriers to permanent housing that our program participants and those who call our program seeking assistance have told us about. We created these programs as a response to those needs. Each part was made to alleviate a specific challenge for families experiencing or on the brink of homelessness and are provided in conjunction with area service providers and other community partners. Ideally, families that participate can avoid homelessness altogether. Read more below to learn how each program works.
In 2024, we helped 112 children stay in their homes and avoid homelessness through these programs!
Heads UP – a mental health program offering free temporary counseling and family-based therapy to families on the brink or already experiencing homelessness provided by Grace & Hope Consulting, LLC.
Catch UP – a prevention program offering funding for up to one month back rent or utilities. These funds are available to ensure families do not lose permanent housing. Participants must also complete financial literacy and tenant education classes. Participants are provided with 6-12 months of case management/mentoring to ensure they continue their path to stability.
Wheels UP – a transportation program offering funding for vehicle-related expenses (e.g. car repair/maintenance, vehicle purchase, etc.). The goal of this program is to help families keep or gain employment through consistent transportation. Participants must also complete financial literacy classes. Participants are provided with 6-12 months of case management to ensure they continue their path to stability.
Grow UP – a pilot program providing gap coverage funding for childcare expenses (co-pays that Child Care Network does not cover). As funding is available, we hope to continue expanding this program to more partners.
To complete a Pre-Application for one of our UP Programs, please click on and fill out one of the links below.
Wheels UP – Applications will be accepted on the 1st of every month till funds have been depleted
Catch UP – Applications accepted on the 15th of every month for 24 hours ONLY