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Family Promise Blog


Welcome to the Family Promise HCR Newsletter!

If you’re new to our newsletter, “Welcome!” and thanks for signing up. You probably met our Community Outreach person, Susan, at a local event. And, you may have even received a water bottle for joining our email list.


We hope that this email gives you a better idea about what’s going on at Family Promise HCR and how you can partner with us. To learn more about our programs, click here.

*A child's experience about Family Promise says it all. Click here to hear from Addy.


Back to School

Ah, Back to School time! The commercials tell us how exciting it is and that we have to buy all the things, but for unhoused families, back-to-school time can be fraught with anxiety and questions:

-Where will I go?

-How will I get there?

-How will my parents even afford school supplies?

Unhoused children comprise more than 25% of the homeless population in this country. In Pennsylvania alone, during the 2021-22 school year, over 40,000 students were identified as experiencing homelessness - a number that has increased more than 100% since 2008 and continues to grow.  

But being homeless impacts much more than just school. According to the American Psychological Association, unhoused kids don't just worry about where they will live. They worry about their belongings, their pets, and other family members.

Additionally, unhoused students are more likely to:

  • have health issues due to limited access to medical and dental care and nutritional food

  • be bullied

  • have lower academic achievement

Unhoused students are 87% more likely to drop out of school than their more stably housed peers. Further, they are 4.5 times as likely to experience homelessness as adults.  

While Family Promise may not always be able to prevent homelessness, we are able to provide families with a safe, nurturing environment and the support they need to stabilize and get back on their feet. At Family Promise, we help families find home again. Won’t you help us help them?

Ways to help:

  • Donate school supplies and other needs to local programs.

  • Volunteer with local programs who aid unhoused students.

  • Educate yourself about the challenges that unhoused students face.

  • Advocate for unhoused students in our local community.


What is CACH anyway?

Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness (or CACH, pronounced "cash"), runs the Dauphin County Continuum of Care. Yes, we know, it's a lot of jargon. 


We're very excited to start a new partnership with CACH! We're taking this big step to have an even broader impact on local homelessness. 

Please check out the video where Matt and Stacey explain more about it all!


Annual Report 23-24

As far as Annual Reports go, this one is pretty great. We did a lot this year to make an impact on local homelessness and poverty. And you were a part of it! Click here to see it all.


Remembering Stan Murphy by Matthew Wagner

We recently learned of the passing of one of our long-time volunteers, Stan Murphy. Many of our long-time Family Promise HCR volunteers knew Stan “The Mattress Man” Murphy.

Stan was a volunteer for us from early on, first traveling from site-to-site every week tearing down from one week of hosting and setting up for the next.

When we had enough air mattresses for each site to have their own, anytime we had a mattress with a leak, he’d come pick them up, take them home to patch, and bring them back…always with a smile and kind word.

Stan is the living embodiment of the idea that when it comes to volunteering, there’s a role for everyone. Who knew that the skill of repairing air mattresses would be something a nonprofit organization needs?

Yet, because of Stan’s willingness to do what’s needed, dozens of families had a comfortable place to sleep.

If you would like to see Stan’s obituary, it can be found here.

Stan's Legacy by Krissy Marshall, Founding Executive Director

I've known Stan and Cathy for many years. There are lots of fond memories but 2 things that really stick out in my mind.

1. We used to have an annual Senators' Game fundraiser. We sold tickets and enjoyed a game together as a big Family Promise family. Stan would often buy 18 or 20 tickets. He would sponsor a night out for the United Methodist Home for Children. He gave generously to Family Promise while at the same time allowing this group a fun night out when they might not have it otherwise.

2. When a family moves into their own place from our program, we gather furniture and their belongings and help to get them set up.

I remember one family move-out vividly. It was winter, and everything was frozen. There was ice on the ground. 

Stan was the only volunteer brave enough to show that day. It was Stan, me, and the 6-month pregnant woman we were moving in.

Stan and I were carrying a couch up to the 3rd floor, and he cut his finger. Being on a blood thinner medication, he started to bleed all over the place, and I thought, "Boy, we are in trouble." But, of course, Stan just smiled and shrugged. The woman found a band-aid. We got him cleaned up and kept on with the move.

She was one of the most gracious people I can remember, and that move will be forever imprinted in my mind. 

Stan, we'll miss your smile, your willingness to lend a helping hand, and your overwhelming generosity. Though we'll miss you, we'll never forget you. 


Summer is flying like it always does. What does summer mean for us at Family Promise? Summer means events and fun and spreading the word and being outside. Check out the pictures below to get a glimpse of what we've been doing.


Unfortunately, not everything about summer is just fun. Summer also means there are more families experiencing homelessness.


When families are experiencing homelessness, they are often able to double up with others, especially during the school year and winter months. However, when school is out, those doubled-up options start to disappear. 


Thank you for serving these families because they need you!

Summer is always a fun time here at Family Promise HCR. The Day Center is either loud and full of kids or quiet if the kids are at summer camp.


One thing in common from summers past and present are SMILES and FUN!


Here are some kiddos spending some time splashing around at the Day Center.


All kids here at Family Promise HCR get to spend their summer just being KIDS!


Busy, Busy, Busy!

July has been full of events for the Family Promise HCR staff.


From new host training to community events, FPHCR has been hopping! Even though this time of year can be busy, it’s always great to see our community get together to learn about each other and support our community. A few weekends ago, Susan Ryder and Stacey Coldren had the privilege to be a resource vendor at the 3rd Annual New Cumberland Li'l PRIDE Picnic. 

Photo courtesy of Interactive Photography by @HIT360PA

A kiddo of a 2015 graduate family volunteered his time to help at the event! His takeaway from the day was that he was happy to see so many free hugs and support for everyone in our community.


The numbers are in for our 23-24 year, and we are excited to share them (below). Thank you for your help in all that we do to serve families!


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

We can't say thank you enough to all of our supporters, including you! Even so, we want to thank the community groups that have come out to support us this summer.


We had volunteer groups from Youth Works and Christian School Association of Greater Harrisburg.


These groups did a lot to beautify our space. Our families deserve beauty.


Thank you for spending your time with us!


Nope, the Hokey Pokey isn't what it's all about. It's all about our families and making a difference in their lives! When you are a part of the Family Promise team, you are a part of ensuring a child has a home. 

"Relax. Everything will be okay - there is help now."~Graduate sharing advice to future families

Neighbors in Need

Who are our neighbors in need?

What do they need?

How can we help?


We talk about our "neighbors in need", but what does that actually mean? 


Executive Director, Matthew Wagner, provides this month's video update and shares some of the challenges we've seen and research from United Way of the Capital Region. 


Click on the button below to learn more.

Fam Jam 2024!

We did it!! Fam Jam was a huge success! 

  • We listened to amazing music.

  • We made super giant bubbles.

  • We bid, we bargained, we elbowed each other, and we got our silent auction items.

  • We got our faces painted.

  • We took silly pictures.

  • AND we raised over $12,000 together to help local families! 

Thank you to our sponsors, our donors, and our attendees!

We've got a new look.

We have a new management system. We'll be able to keep information in one place, and we're excited about it! 


If you would no longer like to receive these emails, please let us know. We'd also love your feedback. These emails are about keeping you updated about Family Promise, so, tell us how we can do that better!

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