Fam Jam Early Bird Special Closing Soon!

Could Fam Jam BE any more fun? We don’t think so! Click on this video to check out what it was like last year.

Our early bird ticket price will be gone on Monday. Get yours today!


Wheels UP and Rollin’ Out

The P family applied for Wheels UP at the end of last month and recently purchased their new family vehicle. Since then, the family has been able to work full-time hours PLUS. So, they have been pulling in double the income!

The stress that was clouding this family has been replaced with smiles. We found out today that the family was accepted for an apartment! They were even able to save up and put down 1st month and security already! We are so proud and excited for this family on their new adventure. 

They said, “My family now has a way to get around without the help of others or the bus. I appreciate all the help and support you all have shown my family. I can’t wait to be in a place to give back to you (FPHCR).”

This. This right here. This is why we do what we do.


As the Day Center Turns

Our staff was having a little fun last week and put together this video of As the Day Center Turns. Tune in to hear what our guests have been up to and how you can get involved.