Nope, the Hokey Pokey isn’t what it’s all about. It’s all about our families and making a difference in their lives! When you are a part of the Family Promise team, you are a part of ensuring a child has a home. 

“Relax. Everything will be okay – there is help now.”~Graduate sharing advice to future families

Neighbors in Need

Who are our neighbors in need?

What do they need?

How can we help? 

We talk about our “neighbors in need”, but what does that actually mean?  

Executive Director, Matthew Wagner, provides this month’s video update and shares some of the challenges we’ve seen and research from United Way of the Capital Region.  

Click on the button below to learn more.

Click here for video update.

Fam Jam 2024!

We did it!! Fam Jam was a huge success! 

  • We listened to amazing music.
  • We made super giant bubbles.
  • We bid, we bargained, we elbowed each other, and we got our silent auction items.
  • We got our faces painted.
  • We took silly pictures.
  • AND we raised over $12,000 together to help local families! 

Thank you to our sponsors, our donors, and our attendees!

Watch our recap video here.

We’ve got a new look.

We have a new management system. We’ll be able to keep information in one place, and we’re excited about it! 

 If you would no longer like to receive these emails, please let us know. We’d also love your feedback. These emails are about keeping you updated about Family Promise, so, tell us how we can do that better!