Volunteers Changing Lives Together

Family Promise’s shelter program relies on a partnership of interfaith congregations, civic organizations, and other volunteer groups to help our families facing homelessness. Our host sites provide lodging, meals, and hospitality to families in need. For families in the program, each day begins with breakfast available at the host site, followed by a van ride to our Day Center. In the evening, guests return to the host site where volunteers provide dinner and spend some quality time. The evening hours are for homework, relaxing, and family fun time, as any family would do. Each day begins with the family all together, and ends with the family all together, under one roof.


Local houses of worship or civic groups, which we call host sites, provide temporary overnight lodging in otherwise unused spaces in their buildings. A host site team of volunteers, along with support volunteers, may be involved with the following:

  • Cooking and/or hosting dinner
  • Sleeping overnight at the host site
  • Donating necessary supplies for the hosting week
  • Transporting the families to and from the host site to the Day Center
  • Spending the evening with families – talking, tutoring kids, or playing games
  • Coordinating children’s crafts & activities
  • Setting up and breaking down of guest families’ rooms

You can still be a volunteer even if you aren’t connected to one of our hosting or partner organizations. If you would like to volunteer, please contact our Community Engagement Associate, Susan Ryder, at susan@familypromisehcr.org.

Families stay overnight, not 24 hours a day

Guests consist of up to three families (14 individuals max.)

Each congregation hosts families for just one week, up to four times a year

Family Promise runs criminal background checks and drug screenings on all program participants

What if my congregation or group can’t host?

Try being a partner site! A partner site can be so many things. Our partners can be houses of worship such as churches, mosques, synagogues, or civil organizations such as fire companies, VFWs, Elks, Lions, Rotary, Scouts, or others. Our partner sites are usually matched up with a host site. Volunteers from the partner can fill any volunteer slot at the host site during their hosting week. This works well for congregations or organizations that are not able to host at their facility but still want to be involved.

What if I am not connected to a congregation or other site?

Try being a floating volunteer! You are our “hands and feet” and typically are matched with a host site. (We can help you find a host site that is close to where you live or work for convenience.) Volunteers can sign up to fill any of the volunteer roles at a host site or at various host sites depending on how often they would like to or are able to volunteer with us.

To learn more about becoming a support volunteer, contact Susan Ryder at susan@familypromisehcr.org.

Thank you to our fantastic congregation partners!

  • Camp Hill United Methodist Church
  • Crossroads Christian Ministry
  • Fishing Creek Salem United Methodist Church
  • Grace United Methodist Church, Lemoyne
  • Mechanicsburg Church of the Brethren
  • Shepherdstown United Methodist Church
  • Shiremanstown United Methodist Church
  • Grace Lutheran Church, Camp Hill
  • Charlton United Methodist Church
  • Dillsburg Brethren in Christ
  • Good Shepherd Lutheran, Harrisburg
  • Living Legacy Church
  • Our Saviour Lutheran, Harrisburg
  • St. Peter Lutheran, Highspire
  • St. Peter Lutheran, Middletown
  • First Christian Church, Lemoyne

Partners and hosts share in providing overnight lodging, meals, and hospitality to our families. Learn more by emailing Susan Ryder, Community Engagement Associate, at susan@familypromisehcr.org.

Fill out our contact form if you’d like to learn more about hosting.

    That’s what it’s all about. A hosting “how to” video below. Check it out!