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THANK YOU to our generous
2023-2024 Corporate Sponsors!

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James B Murdoch Insurance Group


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Boyer and Ritter CPAs and Consultants

Fox Pest Control

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

Moda Salon LLC

Pennian Bank

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Leach's Automotive

Kline Law Office

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ARP Foundation

Camp Hill UMC

Calvary United Methodist Church

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church

Christ Presbyterian Church

Churchtown Church of God

Community Aid

Derry Presbyterian Church

Dillsburg Brethren in Christ

Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

Family Promise National

First United Methodist, Hershey

First United Methodist Church, Mechanicsburg

Fishing Creek Salem UMC

Franklintown UB Church

Grace Evangelical Church

MileOne Cares

Redevelopment Authority of the County of Cumberland

Santander Bank, N.A.

Seventh Day Adventist Hershey

Shepherdstown UMC

Silver Spring Presbyterian Church

St. Peter Lutheran Church

The Stabler Foundation

Swatara Church of God

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

TE Connectivity

The Nicholas W. Genematas II Foundation

United Way of the Capital Region

Woodforest Charitable Foundation

Zion Lutheran Enola

Zion Stone UM Church

Sponsorship Levels

Home Ownership: $2,501-$5,000
Mortgage Sponsor: $1,001-$2,500
Rental Sponsor: $501-$1,000
Studio Apartment: $250-$500
Moving Out: up to $250

The non-profit and for-profit communities are becoming more and more integrated as time goes on. There are many benefits to corporate sponsorship. Please view our corporate brochure for more information on the benefits of sponsorship, both for the business and our families. Click here to learn about how your business can make a world of difference to a family. 

We’d love to talk with you about your giving priorities and needs. To start the conversation, please contact us at (717) 737-1100 or Thank you!

Family Promise interview with

Steve Cantore, Utility Rates Analysts

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THANK YOU to our amazing partner, Healthy Steps Diaper Bank, for all they do to provide diapers and assistance to all of our families - and so many others in our community!
THANK YOU to Mitchell's Lawn Care for providing mowing and lawn care service to our Day Center!  We are thankful for this generous blessing!
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